Love, love, love North Carolina in the spring! I know, we’re not quite there yet, but when bags of mulch and topsoil start to pile up at the store, my green thumb gets excited. Maybe it’s because it’s a season of both promise and risk that can reap great rewards. Seeds may or may not grow where they’re planted. Even if they take root, they may or may not bloom. Depending on the elements and a host of other variables, the avid gardener may not reap a harvest. Isn’t that life? Our plans, our efforts and our prayers sometimes don’t yield the desired result. But, you don’t give up on the garden and the infinite possibility of what has yet to come.
Gardeners learn patience and the art of surrender while their hands sift soil and their eyes closely watch for what’s underneath, fighting to burst through the surface. While we wait for an answered prayer, the completion of a goal or the fruits of our labor to manifest, we’re often told, “it’s just not your season.” Not so! It’s always our season –even in the absence of the blessing we’re waiting for.
Just as the gardener meticulously plans every row of seeds long before they flower, we must appreciate the value in every stage of our development. Grow where you’re planted. Bloom where you’re nurtured. Harvest where you labor. Not one step in the process is wasted. Our labor is not in vain. It all means something, adds up to something, matures into something abundantly beautiful. We are His beautiful creation. It’s always your season.
I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor. For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building. (1 Corinthians 3:6-9)
Thank you for such an inspiration and motivating message. Ladies, let’s first put the focus on loving ourselves inside and out! God has made us all uniquely so we must embrace the totality of our being. God Bless.