Is your glass half-empty or half-full? It’s all about perspective. If you’re in a season of singleness, the holiday season can sometimes be, well, a little lonely. But, having the right perspective is an essential life skill year round. This time of year, the holiday cards of our friends’ families decorate our refrigerators, and our favorite television programs are inundated with engagement ring advertisements. The girl with the surprised facial expression as her man gets down on bended knee with fireworks bursting in the background is my personal favorite. Where does that happen? And where do I sign up? With the right perspective, that ad can draw a genuine smile.
Without the right perspective, the season of giving can easily feel like a season of lack. Blinded by what we perceive is missing, we can overlook the love, joy, and cheer the season brings. We can become burdened by the constant reminders of what has yet to come. That’s when we need a Psalm 23 Perspective. We don’t want to miss the opportunity to see what’s really there. Our cup is actually running over. Romans 5:5 explains it best:
We can’t round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives.
Where there may be a void, there is also abundance. Make a checklist, do a little self-inventory. If we have our health, a home, our family, our friends, a pet (or two), a job, a heart for God, and a desire to be a walking, living, and breathing manifestation of His love—no matter the circumstances—that is overflow. It can’t be contained. It can hardly be measured. All of those things may not exist at the same time, but just one item on that checklist is enough. Not only is it enough, it is God. Thank you, Lord! Keep pouring into this cup until it’s running over!
Merry Christmas!